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  • How To Slate 🎬

    How To Slate 🎬

    Slating is an essential process in film production that helps organize footage and synchronise audio and video in post-production. The slate, a clapperboard, contains key information about each…

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  • Pre-Production Film Script Lining

    Pre-Production Film Script Lining

    In the early days of cinema, around the turn of the 20th century, films were often made without detailed scripts. Instead, they relied on brief synopses or simple…

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  • Free or Low-Cost Locations for My Film

    Free or Low-Cost Locations for My Film

    Here are some recommendations for finding affordable or free filming locations when working with a restricted budget: Remember always to get proper permissions and insurance. With creativity and…

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  • Guernsey legend Peter Rouillard FACI

    Guernsey legend Peter Rouillard FACI

    This series of short articles celebrates independent filmmakers who bring a unique vision and a lifelong passion to their craft. This time, we focus on filmmaker Peter Rouillard,…

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  • No-Budget Filmmaking with Tom Wilson

    No-Budget Filmmaking with Tom Wilson

    In this episode, Tom Wilson shares his unique experience shooting a successful community-based, no-budget feature film in Romania. His feature film “Matthew Mark Luke John” was screened at…

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  • Who we are?

    Who we are?

    Mighty Filmmakers is a group of filmmakers focusing on developing film craft and supporting freelance filmmakers’ lifestyles through peer-to-peer collaborations and experience exchange. Mighty Filmmakers is a continuation…

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